Author: Jockout

Avis’ Abstractions #2: Public Transformation

If you use public transportation pretty regularly you’re bound to hit up on the same folks a couple times. You form a sort of strange pseudosocial relationship with these strangers. You unconsciously learn things about them. Where they get on. Where they get off. Parts of their schedule. Maybe you overhear bits and pieces of conversation.
For the duration of that bus ride your spheres intersect and you are granted a fleeting, shallow glimpse into their world. And then one of you gets off and that bond dissolves like candy loss until you meet again.

It started when you saw a dude get on the same route as you did. Every day for a week. Painfully normal. Kinda chubby. Kinda ugly. Unassuming. Nose in a book. You assumed he must be a student of some sort, but besides that he was completely unmemorable save for the fact that he was always on when you were on. You always got off before his stop so you never saw him leave.
It was the same kind of routine for weeks. Months maybe. He kinda zoned into the background, but became a constant in a sense. Vaguely comforting. 

One day though it kind of hit you. Was he getting bigger?  Not massively but..yeah definitely getting bigger. More toned for sure. You saw edges in his jaw that were new. His arms filled his sleeves differently. Veins were popping up under baby fat.
You didn’t notice it at first because it’s really hard to see those changes gradually if you’re exposed to them every day.

The books were also gone. He just scrolled on his phone now. One time when you sat nearer to him you saw what he was looking at. Insta and twitter and tumblr. Dude’s timelines were filled with musclebros and fitness influencers.
Kinda funny. You swear you saw him flexing his arms a couple times. You ignored it though.

You stopped taking the bus for a few weeks. Called in your vacation days to have some time off so no need to catch that Morning express into the city.
Crazy how much can change in a couple weeks.
When you got back to the grind you had pretty much forgotten your Bus dude. But seeing him again hit you like a bat.
Dude was packing on pounds fast. And he’d changed up his style. No more sleeves. Not even in the oncoming cold weather. First time on you couldn’t stop staring at them.  Toned. Powerful. folded across his chest accentuating that plunging neckline and the cleft of his pecs. The muscles in his forearms seemed to jump with every motion. Now those were something to remember him by.
He stuck in your mind more. You occasionally even found yourself thinking about him even after you parted ways.
You paid attention to his habits on the bus more.
Every day now he got off at the same stop before you. Jumped off right outside the gym and went inside. Weird. Didn’t he used to go all the way into town towards the university? It wasn’t holiday time yet as far as you remembered. He was smiling so much more now, so maybe he was on vacation, right?
His eyes were simultaneously so focused but so much more empty. 

He definitely flexed his pecs every couple of minutes. You would too if you were him. And every time he did you swear you saw a corresponding bounce in his pants. You tried to restrain yourself. Feels so skeevy and voyeuristic noticing those things in public. But damn it was hard not to notice with this guy.

Eventually you got a car! Hooray…well. It was a company car and it meant you had to work a lot more.
But hey, no long bus rides. No more bus dude. It was silly to feel such a wistful loss of a guy who literally didn’t even know of your existence. But he still stuck in your mind.
You didn’t really have any reason to use the bus for maybe 2 or 3 years. That was until your car broke down.
So you fished out that old bus card for the first time in ages and got on. It was hard to say you missed it really. Uncomfortable seats. Weird smells.
Couple stops later a total stud jumps on. Sits across the row from you. Legs spread. Gym shorts filled with thick thighs. Stringer showing off the total bulging size of his upper body. You’re a little gobsmacked at first. And then you do a double take.. Fuck is that him?! It has to be.

If he sat normally he would still take up one and a half seats. But the manspread on him made it so that he took up the whole 3-seat row. It was lucky the bus wasn’t too full and that people seemed to be avoiding those seats anyway…though you get the sense that it wouldn’t have really mattered to him. Manners and etiquette were the last thing on this dudes mind. He adjusted his bulge openly and proudly. No way it could be the same Bus dude…unless everything had grown.
He smiles and just sits there emptily. Doesn’t even scroll on his phone. And for entertainment he just openly flexes and feels himself. Fingers kneading into his Massive pecs. Massaging his biceps and tensing them.
You swear he’s looking at you but it’s hard to tell. His eyes are almost glazed over. Listless.
Is he drooling? Licking his lips?
Then you see a small spot on his shorts right where his bulge twitches and moves. just hit you how much of an aroma he has. It practically filled the bus making it reek of body odour and testosterone and intense douchey Axe bodyspray.  It made your heart throb. Absolutely intoxicating. But so vile and not fit for public consumption. He flexes his pecs and he almost moans. Adjusts his crotch and even after doing so you can practically see the rhythmic throb of his veins along his shaft.

You look at the bus driver like “why aren’t you doing something?”
It’s then that you notice. The driver’s got a shiner and has his eyes glued to the road.
All of the rest of the bus patrons are either transfixed like you or know well enough to avert their gaze

He on the other hand, is still staring straight ahead. It feels like his eyes are burrowing into you. But then you notice, he isn’t staring at you. He’s looking at his own reflection behind you. That your head just so happens to obscure.

The old gym is coming up soon and you feel a bit of relief. Being in this dudes presence was overwhelming. You needed a moment to collect yourself.
But that moment never comes.
Instead stop after stop goes by with him not moving. Just staring. You feel like a vulnerable piece of meat somehow.
Eventually your stop is up and you get up and ring the bell. Concealing the tent in your pants.
He gets up too. Fuck..he’s tall. You take a step. He takes a step.
You tag off, He doesn’t; you realize he never tagged on in the first place.
The bus peels away and you both are there on the sidewalk.

“You were blocking my view.”

It’s the first time you’ve ever heard him speak. It’s disarming. Soft. Deep. Sort of slow. You imagine he probably sounded different when he first got on the bus years ago.
You mutter and bumble through an apology though you trail off when you realize he’s mostly fixated by his own reflection in a shop window.

“I remember you. You work near here right?”

You gulp and nod. He remembers you?? Its confusing. No way he still remembers all the times you got off at this spot right?

“You know where The Abyss is? It’s a new gym that opened up around here and i’m supposed to start my first day as a trainer there.”

Guess school didn’t pan out..
You had heard about a new place. Supposedly super niche and weird. You’d passed it maybe a few times as a detour when you walked a different route from where you parked.
You say as much.

“Mind walking me there? If you’re not too late for work I could show you the place. I think my Boss would love someone like you with a good eye for potential”

He smirks and pulls the neck of his stringer down even lower.
You think back to the bus driver.
You opt to be a little late for work today.

You can find the first Avis Abstraction here.
And If you want to support the creation of more hypnotic experiences and writing, then you can do so by subscribing to my Patreon, or to my Youtube channel. And if you want to interact more closely with me and my supportive community you can join my Discord server. And check out my file archive on my website.

Avis’ Abstractions: Introduction

This is the beginning of a new series I’m starting on this blog, and maybe others.
It’s a series of stories that spawn out of my fantasies and daydreams. I believe fantasy is very important for the establishment of real change in the world. So i’ve taken my idle mental wanderings and polished them up to share with you all.
They may seem disjointed or confusing. They may seem awful to some. But dreams often are. These may be a bit longer than you’re typically used to, but i think they are worth a read.
I hope you enjoy.

Avis’ Abstractions #1: Alpha-tizement

We open in a world of the future, where hegemonic masculinity has grown and become institutionalized. Muscle, Dominance, Virility. Power. It’s privileged. It’s the standard now, and like all standards it must be regulated, taxed, and authorized.

Every year hundreds of newly indoctrinated Alpha males must undergo their examination for certification. It’s exactly what you think it would be and more. All ramped up to 100. Those who pass are given access to a life of domination and hedonism that the masses could never even fathom. The highest in the region or state basically become living demigods based on the rights and privileges afforded to them by the system. They become sacrosanct in a clearly defined hierarchy. You can tell an Alpha, not just by his looks, but by the papers he carries.

But, even in a world where Alpha masculinity runs rampant as the dominant paradigm; corporations still hold so much power. More So than even our world, as the ruthlessness of their CEOs was now free to manifest itself in a testosterone fueled exploitation-fest. Business was a battle and these men, many of whom had passed through the certification system with flying colors, fought to the death. Didn’t matter who was crushed under their heel. Always wanting more.

The whole process started out as an advertising ploy. The Alpha Certification Exams were of course broadcast. It served as a propagandistic exercise, showing the masses in visceral displays of power why the hierarchy is the way it is. But it also functioned to placate them. Nothing does a nation good like watching virile young gods do what they do best. Fuck. Fight. Flourish and succeed. Everyone tuned in. The world couldn’t get enough of the young studs who made it through training to reach this peak. So naturally the corpos and networks caught on pretty quickly just how lucrative they could be.

The first companies to engage in “Alpha-tizement” were the sports gear companies. Underarmor, Gymshark, Optimum Nutrition. It was easy to see why. A lot of the boys in the running owed their progress to those companies already. You didn’t make it to the State Alpha Certifications without chugging truckloads of protein powder or getting your gym fit right on your way there. So when these companies offered to pay out the ass just for a couple square inches of skin showing their logo or slogan, of course the Alpha’s in training accepted happily.

In the first quarter after these exams were broadcast, all of the companies who went with this new strategy reported a 25.6% increase in net profit. Most of which went to the Execs.
Turns out Sex and Superiority sell.  Especially if it’s the raunchy roid fuelled sex all those Alpha breeders had mastered. The Corpos chose their horses well. Lotta preliminary research went into finding the best bucks.

Of the top 100 alphas across the country, around 40 of them were the first Alpha-tizement guinea pigs. And as soon as they got their certification all of them were instantly signed with exclusive advertising and modeling contracts with some of the biggest international firms. The world took notice for sure.
It was making the Corpos money, so the process continued. Year after year. Getting bigger and more diverse. With more and more brands fighting for a place on these walking, talking billboards. The contracts and the prices the Alpha studs demanded got more and more lucrative. There were expected guidelines drawn up based on where or how big a branding would be.
10k for a Bicep logo. 45k for a logo and a slogan on your Pecs. 100k For a Tattoo on the asscheek. 250k for one right above the bulge.
The Corpos didn’t care tho. By this point the Alpha contracts were pocket change compared to the dough they were raking in. In the State certification for California in 2076, Monsanto fully bought out the entire state’s cohort. A little in-joke perhaps about the modified nature of all the studs in that state. Cost about 400 million USD all told. They made it back in a month as everyone scrambled to stock up on oranges and corn. Real Alpha Produce.

After a while the brands got wise. It wasn’t uncommon to see studs covered in brands of all kinds, active competitors on the same bulging, beautiful body.
The top Alpha in West Virginia for 2080 was famous for his play of getting Coke *and* Pepsi tattooed on each Pec. Dr. Pepper had to settle for a simple slogan on the left forearm. Its market value dropped hard the next day.
You could always tell which stud had some serious potential, He’d come out practically more ink than skin.
But somehow it never ruined the look. It just got better and better with each Logo Carved into their thick, muscular bodies.
And the masses ate it up. You’ve never seen a nation more eager and happy to be Advertised to. The people were enraptured. They’d take and buy anything an Alpha was selling.
They didn’t didn’t even notice the Irony of the top performer for Florida being a Young, Catholic Hispanic dude with the Trojan Logo right above his cock. Miguel never let a rubber touch his meat in his life. But that didn’t fucking matter.

Eventually the corporations were sitting on so much money that they had to either spend it or burn it. So they did something that changed the game.

Instead of just going to already established alpha candidates to get brand deals. They would let the masses apply to them. And they would pick and choose from the lot.

Everyone knew how even just one good sponsor deal could set up a dude for years. So of course it was a rat-race to get them them. But it turns out, the corpos had some pretty high standards. They made it clear who they were looking for, Alpha studs with bodies of stone and Cocks so large they would act as the perfect billboard for their product.

The companies always claimed it was just because of advertising, but..maybe something more. It didn’t matter though once it was announced half the male population was vying for it. They needed the money. After all so much of it had gone to ruthless Alpha execs and it never trickled back down. So they worked and sculpted themselves. A whole generation grew into living gods in the blink of an eye. Roids and SARMs were given out in university pharmacies. Gym memberships were on every dudes wishlist. No one cared anymore. They wanted their boys to have the best shot at life. And of course along the way that meant that the protein powder and gym gear companies kept making more and more money. Not to mention the sex toy industry for the bulls who needed to train their cocks to fuck for hours on end.

By this point half the companies in the world shifted their product vision to cater to the new needs of the masses. Changing their branding to better reflect the new sentiments of their audiences too.
The world grew massive. The companies grew rich.
But still they wanted more.
The alphas wanted more cash.
The companies wanted new investments. And by now the first winners of the branded Alpha Certification Tests were old enough to be running those companies. And they brought along with them some pretty great fucking ideas.

2120, Every company announced it in tandem. No competition at all with this one.
They were updating the offerings of their Alpha-tizement program to include the following:

Eligible Alphas may partake in a breeding program where they procreate with a Company provided female or Modified breeding Fag(™). Each successful breeding and healthy offspring produced entitles the Alpha to a Sum of 1.5 Million USD. The child will be turned over to the Company in question. There is no limit to how many times one can be eligible for this program”

Men were made into Billionaires overnight. They fucked, forgot and flourished.
And it wasn’t until 18 years later that they realized what it was all for.
When Amazon released its first generation of “ALEX” models. A perfectly bred and trained fleet of delivery personnel. Strong as bulls. Capable of working for 20 hours straight with no breaks. Soon everyone else was fired and instead every amazon package was delivered by an obedient ALEX who as an added bonus would leave a few loads inside you finishing with a smile and spouting the company tagline “Work hard, Have fun, Make History”

Every company produced something, a new ultra masc boy toy stud, programmed to serve the company line and to act as the ultimate final product. The Latest stage of capitalism.

“PIERRE” by L’Oreal, genetically designed and modified to give cum facials that took 10 years off your skin, and trained so that their balls swelled with the perfect formula. $2000 a vial.

Disney presents “KEVIN”, a park experience where one lucky guest gets to be fucked senseless by a gang of 10 almost identical looking blonde adonises until either they pass out, or it’s time to pay again. 3k for an hour. 1.5k if a non-voluntary participant.

RAWGEAR’s “TYLER” line where a sculpted stud stands in the window of your shop posing, repping the brand and pulling in customers. Once he gets them in they’re bound to buy half your stock. One down payment of 10k for one Tyler unit and an additional 15k for the training protocols to get him to stop leaving a mess on the showroom floor.

Raytheon’s “JOHNATHAN” Armies that changed the face of the battlefield forever. Mindless blood thirsty unstoppable drones, pumped with so much testosterone and aggression hormones that they were classified as WMD’s by the UN based on how they decimated whole cities, nations, cultures.

The world was a better place now. The economy was ruined. Megamonopolies selling sex and masculinity were the dominant force. People were products. What more could you want?

The Model featured is Billygymwilly. Check them out.
And If you want to support the creation of more hypnotic experiences and writing, then you can do so by subscribing to my Patreon, or to my Youtube channel. And if you want to interact more closely with me and my supportive community you can join my Discord server. And check out my file archive on my website.

How to be an Alpha Ch7: Work

(ID: )

Despite what you might be told, it’s fairly rare to see an Alpha in the official role of ‘boss”. Why would you need to overcompensate with hard work and excessive overtime when life and birthright have given you all you need to be naturally superior?

The Alpha still climbs of course; though floats is a better descriptor. Given everything they could ask for because of that sheer magnetic aura of power and charisma that hangs around them at all times. The rules just never seem to apply to them. And why should they? Its not like he needs this job when he has a hoard of needy fags out there just begging to pay for the lifestyle that he knows he deserves.

But for the workplace Alpha it’s about more than money. It’s about the thrill of having a captive playground where one can flex and hone those dominant instincts.

Take Vlad here at the Abyss Athletics Agency. When he comes into work it’s like the air shifts. The worker drones might wonder why they never see him working. No one quite knows what he even does. You can always find him hanging in the company lounge or the gym or around a new hire’s desk. But anyone who’s been at the company long enough knows not to question that, otherwise they’ll get a firsthand workshop on why the C-suite employees call him ‘Sir’.

Of course it helps that his dad is on the board of directors, but truthfully that doesn’t really matter. His power, the effortless domination that oozes out of every pore, is enough to secure him his position for life. It’s why he makes twice what his coworkers do; for half the work.

But a good executive understands that a single office Alpha can increase profits by up to 400%. Clients just seem more inclined to agree to contracts after a night out drinking with him. Maybe it was watching what he did to the little runt who tried to beat him at pool. Maybe it was the way their partner always seems to be positively revving to go after spending an hour around him talking at length about Penetrating new markets that were begging for a Fresh new brand to monopolize their space.

That same combination of Lust, Envy and Fear also work as amazing motivators for your employee’s. Todd from accounting always seemed to focus that extra bit harder after seeing how his boyfriend was staring at Vlad during the company picnic.

And all it takes to get away with it is coming to a little “agreement” with HR about how much maternity leave the company has to give out before the interns are off-limits til next quarter.

For more resources to help embody your Alpha Journey try out the files found here (123/(alt)) If you’d like to support the creation of files, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me on Patreon, And go and follow me on Youtube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on Discord.

How to be an Alpha Ch.6: School


School is such a strange time for a young Alpha. Surrounded on all sides by hundreds of people who you know for a fact are inferior to you.
You can look at them and see it for yourself. Weak. Small. Stupid. Boring as hell and lacking your natural talent and charisma. Constantly held back from reaching your truest potential by the ignorant masses around you as well as that stifling pressure of the whole institution above you.
Forced to play nice with those who, frankly, have barely earned the respect of being seen as a fellow human. They’re just NPCs. Toys for your pleasure and advancement. 

But an Alpha serves a vital role in the delicate ecosystem that is an academic institution. Like an Apex predator, your job is to shake things up and keep things dynamic, while also exerting control over the system. And honestly, the skills you develop in that role will serve you better than anything you learn in tutorials. It’s preparation for a life of superiority and prowess; manipulating the weak and getting what you desire.

Some take a more aggressive route. A bully. A thug. Frustrated by the mediocrity around them. Putting the weak in their place and never letting them forget it. Might makes right. And the rage and passion you feel at the mere sight of an inferior weakling who would dare get in your way just fuels the brutal treatment they’ll receive.
Insulting weak out of shape cunts. Degrading their confidence and laughing in their face. Forcing them to do your homework, not because you can’t do it, But just as a show of what true power can do. Keeping the herd in line. Instilling the fear of God in them. You’re just as responsible for creating the scared, pliable worker bees that the School system spits out.

Some others prefer a more subtle method. Letting their Superiority ooze from them like golden sunshine. Pure ego and Cockiness that everyone simply respects. Flaunting what you’ve got. Because everyone wants what you’ve got. All of your peers either want you or want to be you. And that lust and envy makes them all so easy to toy with. Do you develop a little bit of a sociopathic god complex through it all? Maybe. But you deserve it. You’re making the world a better place.
Maybe you’ll inspire someone else, that 1 in 1000 stud to finally embrace his Alpha spark like you did. Take hold of his potential and outgrow the system.
For the other 999 you’re preparing them for a life of longing and mediocrity. Helping them overcome their ego by realizing that they’ll never truly measure up.

But alas, having such a duty and being so much better than everyone can be isolating. You could find some bros or Jocks to hang with, some Bulls and Himbos to amuse you. But it’ll never be enough. It’s lonely at the top.

Luckily though, you’ll have more than enough temporary distraction with all those sluts and Cumdumps throwing themselves at you. Supple bodies and needy holes for you to use and then toss aside. Spreading your wild oats so far that just about everyone will have had a taste by the time you walk across the graduation stage and set off on your journey to show off what you’ve learned to the rest of the world.

For more resources to help embody your Alpha Journey try out the files found here (123/(alt)) If you’d like to support the creation of files, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me on Patreon, And go and follow me on Youtube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on Discord

How to be an Alpha Ch.5: Tenets

(Edit: I.D.

Every movement or frame of thought has fundamental Tenets. Principles and beliefs and Doctrines held to be true. Of course there are exceptions, but within the mind of all true believers they are a guiding light to understand themselves and their ideals within the light of an Overarching framework.
The same holds true for every archetype and identity in the Abyss. Every corruption comes with its own guiding black hand to show you the way and to give all who embrace it a baseline from which to build.

And so behold the Tenets of the Alpha

1) You are God and your body is your temple.

You are the one above all. The world revolves around you. Be worthy of the worship that a true god is entitled to in all aspects. But above all else, let the first thing that your supplicants see be your physical and genetic superiority. A superiority that transcends race, class or social taboos. Destined for greatness and growth and never fucking stopping. Power and privilege personified and made flesh. They will never be as good as you. And you feel so fucking good developing that fact; mogging everyone in the gym. And sculpting yourself to levels of perfection they can’t even comprehend. Flex that fact and keep lesser beings in their fucking place.

2) Never take “No” for an answer

You are entitled to whatever you desire. You’ve earned it by virtue of being you. How dare any inferior deny you your birthright. Take and grab for yourself leaving nothing behind in your wake.
Even if it takes a while, even if you must persuade and coerce and work your ass off to get it. You will get it. And you will rub that fact in the face of those that stood in your way. Power, Privilege, Perfection. All will be yours. Either now or in due time. You will never be denied.

3) Your superiority must be flaunted

Humility is for the weak who don’t have enough to show. You are an Alpha and everyone around you knows it, so show it. Flash that beautiful smile, Flex that Godlike mass, Flaunt your success and your charisma and your conquests.
Arrogance and Narcissism are only negative traits for the deluded masses who think they are your equals. Show yourself and let your pride intoxicate you.

4) Never back down; your might makes you right

Your word is law. What you say goes. You’re not gonna take shit from those scrawny cunts any longer. Your physical and mental superiority and strength can stand up to any foe. Stare them down. Let them know that you are right. You can say that the sky is green and that fuck should know the answer is “Yes, Sir”. Never let them doubt you. Never let them make you doubt yourself. Never surrender.

5) Your cock makes the rules

That ever-burning, unstoppable libido should hold a special place in your worldview. You’re proud of your cock. Follow it’s teachings. Indulge in the things that make you feel good. If you want to breed some slut, do it. They should be proud to be chosen by you. If you want to cuck some dumbass and steal his girl, then go for it. You’re doing both of them a favor; Showing her what a true god can do.
And if you find your urges veering into more unorthodox directions, then it is simply the way to go. If muscle or success or sadism stirs that Alpha passion, then don’t hold back. Go wild!

6) Your rage is your torch

The world is weak and unworthy of you and that infuriates you to no end. Looking down on inferiors and feeling that flame spark in your chest. The very same world that tried or tries to repress you and hold you back. Let that flame burn bright. Let it consume you. Let it consume everything until weakness is burnt to ash and you stand in a world that is finally ready for you. Every action is propelled by fury. Every smile or glance hides your contempt.
You are an Alpha, and you will remake the world in your image through flame and fury.

For more resources to help embody your Alpha Journey try out the files found here (123/(alt)) If you’d like to support the creation of files, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me on Patreon, And go and follow me on Youtube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on Discord.

How to be an Alpha Chapter 4: Focus

They don’t need to be the biggest 24 inch biceps, or possess that genetically perfect split peak, but like all things about an Alpha, their arms above all else must draw the eye and command respect.
There is an inherent reverence we all have for a Man’s arms, the true tools of his mastery. They are what an Alpha uses to give as well as take, to reward and to punish, to push and pull, accept and deny; to mold his destiny towards success and conquest and the destinies of those around him towards service and submission. Therefore, strength is needed; that iron grip and determination to hold on to what they want and not let go till they have either gotten it or it has been destroyed.

When one meets a true alpha you can sense that strength in his arms.

Arms that have been used or inevitably will be used to push a fag to their knees and make them gag on his Cock.

Arms that with a mere flex could easily have every inferior and needy slut in the room drooling over that thin webbing of veins and that tightly corded superior musculature.

Arms that lust and long to crush, to slap, to dig fingers into supple flesh and to elicit cries of mingled fear and longing.

Arms that use everything they wield like a weapon to advance that Alpha’s Conquest – that are a weapon to advance that alpha’s conquest. Truly no more potent right to bear arms exists for an 
alpha male.

Who needs the hands of God when you’ve got the arms of an Alpha to submit to?
Any inferior should be grateful to even be in the presence of an Alpha; let alone be touched by, Manhandled with, forced to worship and lust after those bulging arms, perfectly sculpted flesh forged hard as steel

For more resources to help embody your Alpha Journey try out the files found here (123/(alt)) If you’d like to support the creation of files like the one in this story, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me on Patreon, And go and follow me on Youtube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on Discord.

How to be a Jock Ch.7: Work


You don’t need a work-life balance when your work is your life. The Jock derives joy from performance. From success and objective measures of victory and hard fucking work.

For a jock their paycheck and the numbers they pull in for their job are as much a thrilling rush as their days crushing skulls on the court. The line just gets higher. That’s all they care about. Coming in an hour early and leaving only when they’ve given 110%. A real company man through and through. Winning promotion after promotion, award beyond measure.

They’ll smile for their “Best quarterly earner” photo, but inside it’s a different story. An almost psychotic drive. Fiery passion and bloodlust mixed with frigid calm and efficiency. Willing to do anything, step on anyone’s back to get to the top of the ladder and then kick it down after them. Because unlike most of the other worker drones, they aren’t working for someone else; not really. They might have a boss but they are basically interchangeable. Just a place filler while the Jock climbs their way to the top. Maybe a source of hatred and vitriol, or perhaps being a cause for inspiration and aspiration. But ultimately just another enemy. Another obstacle to be broken in half and left on the field.

Take Karan for example. A young up-and-comer in the Avis Athletics Agency. Scouted from university specifically after the recruiting agent saw him take down a guy twice his weight on the wrestling mat in a minute flat. Dude never broke a sweat, every second with that soft but piercing glare of absolute victory. Like his opponent was just an object to be manipulated for his own pleasure and purpose. He didn’t let go of that Death grip until the Ref shook off his astonishment and counted the poor jobber out. A perfect fit for an internship at our illustrious corporation. 

He’s such a good team player too. Practically integrated with all of the other interns and made them into a single unit. A well-oiled regiment that followed orders and executed them with deadly efficiency. Best Copy-and-coffee squad the office has ever had. But of course, Karan was never satisfied. He plays his work like a game. Just another sport to break records with. Get the high score at one level, move on to the next, collect all of the rewards, leave destruction in your wake.

The CEO saw him wait around until his team member clocked out, only to kick his fucking teeth in in the parking lot for holding him back on his reports. It was decided that his talents would be better served at a higher level. One where that drive and deadly commitment to efficiency could make some real profit. That and the HR policies covered actual employees better than interns. So he got the job, no question. Along with a well negotiated 6 figure starting salary with stock options later down the line. Plus access to the 24 hour boxing gym on site so we could make sure we keep those interns for a little bit longer.

For Resources to help embody your Jock Journey you can check out the Jock Archetype guide for free on Patreon If you’d like to support the creation of files like the one in this story, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me on Patreon, And go and follow me on Youtube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on Discord.

How to be a Jock Ch. 6: School


Let’s be real, the dumb jock stereotype is dead and gone.

Modern jocks, the ones that succeed at least; are ruthless, well trained predators. School is just another game and they’re playing to win. You don’t get a full-ride sports scholarship by being a dumbass. You gotta keep your grades up. Up above everyone else’s too. 4.0 GPA or nothing. Jock’s won’t just pass. They’ll take every course and dissect it with the precision of a killer. Figuring out the material and the professors just like they’ve figured out the secrets of their sport.

Where most of the Jock’s peers are out getting drunk and stoned every night, he’s still at the gym. On the pitch. In the library. Why? Because its all a means to an end to get what he truly craves. The substance that drives him forward. 


He gets high off being a winner. Team captain, MVP, Class rep, Valedictorian. He wants it all. The full college experience. Failure won’t be tolerated. No one else will take his titles from him. Everything is prepared or planned for. Everything in its perfect place. The rigidity of the classroom gives him the structure to climb to the very top of the food chain, eventually surpassing the coach as the true power of the team. Loving the attention as every victory against the opposing side wins him the adoration of the entire campus.

It’s not all work and no play, however. Those victorious after parties easily make up for the weeks of self-denial. And the team captain has the pick of the lot. Free drinks. Endless adoration from skill-less hacks who might as well be your post-workout meal. And of course any of the dozens of needy cheerleader bimbo sluts who throw themselves at the big man who just scored the winning goal. Maybe one of them will tip him off to a new opportunity or path towards success while her legs are wrapped around his waist and he rounds home base. 

But sex is just a participation trophy. The entire team will have one of those by the time the night is done. And while they’re busy puking their guts up in the morning, or downing pills to deal with last night’s mistakes; The Jock is up bright and early. Already up at the front of the lecture hall, hand raised and giving the right answer every fucking time.

For Resources to help embody your Jock Journey you can use the files found here(1, 23) If you’d like to support the creation of files like the one in this story, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me on Patreon, And go and follow me on Youtube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on Discord.

How to be a Jock Ch.5: Tenets

(ID: Sam Oldham)

Every movement or frame of thought has fundamental Tenets. Principles and beliefs and Doctrines held to be true. Of course there are exceptions, but within the mind of all true believers they are a guiding light to understand themselves and their ideals within the light of an Overarching framework.
The same holds true for every archetype and identity in the Abyss. Every corruption comes with its own guiding black hand to show you the way and to give all who embrace it a baseline from which to build.

And so behold the Tenets of the Jock

1) Life is a Battlefield, Conquer everything you do

 You are a warrior. Success and Victory are survival. Mediocrity and Failure are death. You are a winner. MVP. Never letting your guard down. Continuing to push till you reach the top of the pile. Extend this mentality to everything. Everything is battle. And the rush of victory is ecstasy. Sports, work, school, life. Your discipline and training preparing you to win the battle and the war.

2) You are a Predator looking for Prey

 Every step must be calculated. Every action poised with killer intent. Always looking out for weakness to exploit; to get the upper hand. Every opportunity taken advantage of. Sinking your teeth into it and never letting go. Once you smell blood in the water you go into a frenzy. New promotion, New plays, New people, New Prey.

3) Never be content with less than 100%

 Always strive for higher. Your ambition must know no bound. You are never content with enough. Enough is never enough. Push yourself to the limit and then keep pushing until you redefine what the limit is. You will do more than survive. You will do more than succeed. You will excel and you will be better than the best. And you expect the same of your team and everyone around you.

4) Get your priorities in order. Never Falter

 Your time is precious. It cannot be wasted with trivial pursuits. Set your mind in the right order. Emphasizing the things that are most important to you. A hierarchy of goals and ambitions and never stray from them. Let everything else fall away because you cannot be distracted from your victory. Keep your eyes on the prize.

5) Your body is a weapon, honed to perfection

 Hard, molded steel muscles fired in the forge of battle and achievement. Every part of you hard-won through sweat and effort. Never let that body go to waste. Use it to its utmost potential. It is a tool of your victory; cutting down your enemies on the field, in the ring, or in the office. Strong and athletic. A lethal weapon in the hands of one as well trained as you.

6) Treasure your Victories

 Bask in that glow of everlasting glory. Your enemies strewn on the battlefield before you. Your teammates showering you with applause. Blood staining your lips from the skirmish. Feel that medal on your chest; the wreath on your head. Take it all in and cherish the unrivaled pleasure. You won’t rest on your laurels, but you will sure as hell enjoy them. The social clout and the mobility that being Number 1 brings.

For Resources to help embody your Jock Journey you can use the files found here(1, 23) If you’d like to support the creation of files like the one in this story, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me on Patreon, And go and follow me on Youtube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on Discord.

How to be a Jock Chapter 4: Focus

“Wow you’ve got abs!” the glowing commendation that pushes so many young Jocks down that pathway that leads ultimately to predatory victory; the innate pull towards a strong core, low body fat and a predisposition towards athleticism.

Likewise the pursuit of that sculpted washboard physique is what separates the weak from the strong, the true winners from the losers. As almost every young man pumps out hundreds of crunches a day in an attempt to gain the fleeting attention of their peers, those who just aren’t cut out for it mentally and physically quickly surrender to their fate, rising with aching abs and deciding to put it off till later while wasting their time on Video games and other idle pastimes.

Those natural born predators however, made out of the stronger stuff that champions are crafted from, keep going. Keep pushing to bigger and better things, because they recognize the strength and versatility of the core.
They know that if they want to succeed on their chosen battleground they need to build that solid, rock hard foundation.

The agile swimmer needs it for breath control pushing air through those lungs. The wrestler needs it for balance, the muscles of the core pulling and pushing to keep everything around it steady. The baseball player needs it to power through with those killer swings. The football player needs it for the pure force of tackling his opponent.
And all need a strong and steady core to stand up straight after their victory and glare down at the broken egos of their unworthy competitors whom they had the unimaginable pleasure of destr

The presentation of a strong set of abs is therefore its own medal, a silent gloating trophy that automatically sets the Jock one step above the rest. Hard won and trained through countless sweating hours. A showcase of their own determination, physical and mental superiority, and ultimate victory.

So that even off the field, the jock walks and swaggers as if he has a medal bouncing on his chest. Because honestly, he has one better. In the office, in the bar, in the bedroom; he always knows that he’s wo

For Resources to help embody your Jock Journey you can use the files found here(1,23) If you’d like to support the creation of files like the one in this story, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me onPatreon, And go and follow me onYoutube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on Discord.