Category: Writing

How to be a Muscle Bull Ch.6: School

(I.D: R.I.P.)

School is a rough time for most bulls. It’s just such an unnatural and stifling environment that does nothing but inhibit true potential. Like a plant in a tiny pot; no bull can ever grow to their full size when trapped within the confines of Academia.

It’s just such an alienating environment when your deepest desire is muscle. Forced to sit through class and lectures when you would rather be pressing 60s at the gym. No one understands you. No one relates to you. You’ll always be the biggest in class and still want more. They just don’t understand that obsessive passion deep down. It’s isolating. They wonder why you eat so much. They wonder why you talk about muscle and the gym so much. They wonder why you’ve shelled out so much money for the Gold membership at the university gym.

You could never tell them the truth. That the reason you go to the gym so often is because you love muscle more than anything. More than any class you’ve ever taken. More than any job you’re supposed to work when you graduate. That it is an addiction in the deepest fiber of your being and that all you want is to be a piece of meat. Treated like livestock. Forced to grow and appreciated for your body.

They’d never understand that because they insist on appreciating you for your intellect. They insist that your mind is what matters. You know the truth.

Muscle is all that matters.

But you still have to sit in stupid classes. Wasting time and energy that could be spent getting huge. Wasting money that should be spent on food, supps and roids. Wasting mental capacity on stupid shit like stats and Math and Computer Science when all you really wanna think about is how fucking good the Pump feels. How fucking big you will grow, and how bad you wanna just ditch class to go get in a workout.

Inevitably it does get to the point where people see less and less of you in class. The only reason you’ve stuck around so long is because the campus has the biggest gym you’ve ever seen. But eventually you’ll either drop out, or you’ll graduate and promptly trash the fucking diploma. Either way, when you finally finish that school shit you’ll finally be able to follow your real calling. Hell, maybe you can go back and work at the university gym. Support the new generation of bulls. Make sure they don’t make the same mistake that you did by wasting time with class. Get them in the gym and let them avoid the fate that you did, Muscle bull.

Muscle is all that matters.

For more resources to embody your Muscle Bull transformation check out these files(123) If you’d like to support the creation of files like the one in this story, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me on Patreon, And go and follow me on Youtube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on Discord. And check out my own Site (

How to be a Muscle Bull Ch.5: Tenets


Every movement or frame of thought has fundamental Tenets. Principles and beliefs and Doctrines held to be true. Of course there are exceptions, but within the mind of all true believers they are a guiding light to understand themselves and their ideals within the light of an Overarching framework.
The same holds true for every archetype and identity in the Abyss. Every corruption comes with its own guiding black hand to show you the way and to give all who embrace it a baseline from which to build.

And so behold the Tenets of the Bull

1) Muscle is all that matters

 Growth and muscle and mass are your be all and end all. They come above every responsibility. It is your destiny to grow. To build your body and force it into that muscular grotesque form of pure beef. There is no such thing as too big. Live your life knowing that everything is secondary to your lust for growth, That nothing feels as good or is worth more than muscular perfection.

2) Do whatever it takes

 You will do whatever is necessary to grow.
Anything that is within your power. Nothing will stand in your way.
Working out 7 days a week. Changing your lifestyle to facilitate your growth. Giving up other less enticing or important things that distract you from muscle. Juice up and learn the way to maximize your growth. Cut off those who doubt you and hold you back. Spend half your paycheck on supplements and food. Anything and everything to grow.

3) You are meat. Your muscle is the only thing that will bring you joy

You are a bull. Livestock. Born and bred for your muscle and growth. You need to be appreciated for it. Felt and witnessed for it. Lauded for it. Nothing feels better than the pump in the gym. Nothing looks better than putting pound after pound of mass on your frame. Growing so big that clothes stretch and strain and people stare and call you a freak. It is therapy. It is the cure to all your ills.
It all feels so good, and the ultimate pinnacle is using that muscle to fulfil you entirely. Flex and show off for cash. Become a Personal trainer. A Bodybuilder. Whatever it takes to make muscle your life.

4) You must eat to grow

Being so massive and continuing to grow fills you with that insatiable hunger. A constant urge to feed and fuel your muscle. Obsessed and constantly hungry for more! And even if you haven’t reached that stage yet, you still consume more. More protein and all the fuel you need to grow. Stuffing your face till your stomach feels like it will pop, but still loving it. Still feeding more because you know that food is fuel for growth. You do not eat to feel good. You do not eat to survive. You eat to grow!

5)The World must grow with you

 It is not enough that you should be the biggest. Your muscle isn’t the only thing that matters. ALL muscle is what matters. You won’t even waste time with someone who isn’t growing or isn’t at least trying. It is your duty as a perfect muscle bull to encourage others. Teach them. Grow them. Push them forward with your own progress. The world must be filled with more muscle to be perfected.

6) Obsession and Addiction Fuel you

 Your lust for muscle should eclipse all other things. It should be a sickness that infects all aspects of your life. There is no healthy indulgence. There is only growth. Crazed and powerful until it overwhelms your mind. Leaving behind only the muscle bull and no trace of the man that was. Muscle is your god. The Gym is your temple. Let it become your truth and your reality.

For more resources to embody your Muscle Bull transformation check out these files(123) If you’d like to support the creation of files like the one in this story, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me on Patreon, And go and follow me on Youtube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on Discord. And check out my own Site (

How to be a Muscle Bull Chapter 4: Focus

Heavy, heaving shelves of tightly muscled, juicy pectorals; twitching, flexing, swelling almost against a Bull’s will.
It’s expected that a Bull will be massive and well developed in all areas of their exquisitely grotesque musculature, but nothing exemplifies that innate Lust for growth more than a huge pair of Muscle Tits that overhang from the bulls body and literally become all he can see after a while. Like a set of Muscle Bull blinders.

The pecs are different to a lot of other muscular groups because they are so seldom used in everyday life. They require extensive training and heavy resistance to grow to the shirt-straining sizes that all bulls desire. Therefore a Nice rack on a Muscle Bull is a sign of intense dedication, and, in many cases, intense obsession and desire. The feeling of that pump swelling your chest after a set becoming a set of sexual stimuli for the bull. Loving the ability to flex and bounce them for everyone to see.
Every workout becoming erotic, as the strain and flex of your muscles constitutes an orgasmic explosion with every rep. As the knowledge that you are building your pecs tickles and teases that Bull brain and becomes a point of pride and enjoyment. Loving the growth just for the sake of it. Just longing to see those Muscle tits grow fuller.

All the while inside there is that deep subconscious yearning, begging for someone to just reach out and grab hold of their chest in worship, squeezing and massaging like a true piece of Livestock being tested for its qu

Becoming just a piece of meat for themselves and others, embodying a Bull. Force fed and pumped up full of hormones to eventually be paraded onto a stage and hopefully win that prize, or else to be grown for slaughter, pecs eventually feeding the desires of dozens of worshippers that bury their faces between those slabs of beef.

That’s what pecs represent, not only dedication to the craft of honing your flesh into something more than anyone could ever imagine, but also of sacrifice. Sacrificing the weakness in yourself that makes you anything more or less than a piece of meat. Sacrificing those inhibitions to tie you to societal expectations to be “Normal”.

Juicy pecs like these whose fibers you can literally count beneath the skin are not — Cannot — be built by normal people. It takes something special, something primal, something inhuman. That Lust for growth inside to want to become like this. And then the slow augmentation to actually achieve it. Starting first with synthesized Whey protein, then moving to supplements and creatine and god knows what other chemical concoctions you can find on the market that still keeps you “natural”, and finally throwing all care to the wind to take that final plunge into anabolic bliss.

And all along that journey the bull will just keep flexing, Just keep pumping, Just keep smilin

Always and forever, because muscle is all that matters.

For more resources to embody your Muscle Bull transformation check out these files(123) If you’d like to support the creation of files like the one in this story, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me onPatreon, And go and follow me onYoutube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on Discord.
And check out my own Site 

How to be a Bro Ch.7: Work

(ID: Marcel González)

Bro’s are fairly common to see in a work environment. Most jobs don’t actually take that much thought if you think about it for just a second. It’s usually just Good ol’ common sense or Rote tasks that any moron could do. And many morons usually excel in the world of business, right dude?. 

But a bro is more than just a dumbass. He’s a dumbass you wanna keep around, brah. The bro makes coming into work a joy, even if you know you’re gonna have to end up cleaning up his mess half the time. Dude is the office welcoming committee, making a dull dreary desk job into a party and a connection. 

Most people aren’t quite certain if he’s oblivious or if he knows how badly he’s doing but doesn’t admit it. But it doesn’t really matter, who could stay mad at that dumb slack-jawed look; at those well tanned arms. 

Marcel is a great example for this at the Avis Athletic Agency. Dude know’s all the intern’s names…and their mom’s names too. He remembers Rhonda in legal’s birthday every year and always manages to hook the office up with the best after work bash. 

Everyone fucking loves Marcel. It’s why the whole office thinks he is their work-husband. And to an extent that’s true. Gay, straight, bro or chick. He’s piped them all at least once. Just to see ya know.  He made ’em all feel special. All feel loved. It’s what he’s best at. It’s why the CEO keeps him around. He’s a vital element of maintaining employee morale, duder.

Internal studies showed that the love of an office bromance decreases sick days by up to half, and as long as Marcel is working at AAA, you can guarantee all his bros are gonna stick with him. No improved salary offer or corporate poacher would ever tear them away from him.

So really it doesn’t matter that he doesn’t know the difference between a budget and a bicep curl, just him being there has saved the company millions.

That’s why he gets all these bonuses and extra’s despite being a bit of a drone. He somehow always ends up on the CEO’s team when they go on overseas business trips to exotic locales. It’s won him the unofficial title of PA. “Party assistant”. Because as soon as the work day is over he’s ready with a drink in one hand and some blow in the other for a “team-building exercise”.

Best part of it is that he takes his paychecks in the form of Brewski’s, babes and beach-time, bro.

For resources to help you embrace your Bro-hood check out these files(123) or go and give my Bro Archetype guide a read over on patreon for free. If you’d like to support the creation of files like the one in this story, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me on Patreon, And go and follow me on Youtube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on Discord.

How to be a Bro Ch.6: School

Two bro’s standing Side-by-side, back to back, flexing in tandem because their dull minds are so absolutely in sync with one another. It’s all about support. That’s one of the many reasons a Good dumb bro builds those boulder shoulders and a back so wide it blocks the sun, accidentally getting in the way of his other bro’s tanning routine.

It’s all about offering support to his bro, and ultimately he receives the same from his bro, who receives the same from his bro, who receives the same from his bro.
On and on. Its bro shoulders all the way down, supporting the world like Atlas. Now he was a real bro, Bro

Bro’s need those broad shoulders to hold up their bud after a killer night on the town, stumbling over himself. So drunk off his ass that he can’t stand up straight so he leans on his Bro for support, whispering sweet fraternal nothings that he’ll forget in the morning. “I fuggin’ luv u bro. Ur the fuckin’ besst u know dat??” While he secretly gropes and cops a feel of that bulging, shirt-straining muscle.

They need that broad tapered back to boost their bro and protect him. Of course he can protect himself, he’s a bro too. But there’s nothing quite like stepping in for your Bro. Whether its on the field, tackling the opposing team’s quarterback to the ground. Or its in a random parking lot, stepping between your bro and some cunt who’s trying to pick a fight. Interposing yourself between your bro. Acting as his rock, his wall, his shield. And of course being such a wide motherfucker that that tiny fuckwit automatically steps down.
And you get that pang of recognition,
 “Thanks bro. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”, while your bro secretly feels like a damsel in a fairy tale and…kinda likes it?

Bro’s need to be that shoulder to cry on, both figuratively and literally. Working up a sense of zen in the gym so that when their bud’s darkest hours come, they can be a shining light. Recognizing that vulnerability and emotion aren’t a problem. In fact it’s a point of pride to be the one who your bro’s confide in, and knowing you can also do the same as your bro sits on your couch, bawling his eyes out blubbering “Bro, Why would she do this to me? I can’t believe it…At least I’ll always have you..” They never learn for too long, but they always get back to that eternal mantra “Bros before Hoes” in the end.

Bro’s need the firm delts, and awesome traps for support, so that while their Bud is blasting them from the back, they’ve got something to hold on to. Something for their strong hands to wrap around and embrace, picking up the pace and letting your joyous moans mingle in chorus.
“Oh bro!”“Fuck yeah Bro!”“Harder Bro!”“Damn Bro, You’re better than any chick I’ve ever fucked. I can’t believe this is what I’ve been missing!”

For resources to help you embrace your Bro-hood check out these files(123). If you’d like to support the creation of files like the one in this story, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me onPatreon, And go and follow me onYoutube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on Discord.
And check out my own Site (

How to be a Bro Ch.5: Tenets


Every movement or frame of thought has fundamental Tenets. Principles and beliefs and Doctrines held to be true. Of course there are exceptions, but within the mind of all true believers they are a guiding light to understand themselves and their ideals within the light of an Overarching framework.
The same holds true for every archetype and identity in the Abyss. Every corruption comes with its own guiding black hand to show you the way and to give all who embrace it a baseline from which to build.

And so behold the Tenets of the Bro.

1) Bros before Hoes, Bro!

Your utmost responsibility is the wellbeing of the squad bro. Your bros are your life. If they need you, then you’ve gotta go help ‘em out. Lift them up and make sure they keep going. They’d do the same for you. Cooperation and brotherhood. You can’t let anything get in the way of that, bro. Romance comes and goes but Bromance is forever. They’ll be with you through thick and thin. 

2) Chill out, Bro!

Relax dude. No need to get worked up about things. You and your bros will always manage to get through. Stress is just so uncool and gets in the way of enjoying yourself. Just turn off that head and follow the group. Nothing’s really that important, and if it is then you’ll manage it by keeping a cool head and peacing out, bro. Just Vibe and drink and enjoy life with your bros!

3) Be a Bro, Bro!

Conform to the group. Match your bros. Become like them and let them become like you. Follow their style, their attitude, their look. All of you just parts in a magnificent fraternal whole.
No need for deviation. No need for complex original thought. It’s so much easier to just go with the flow bro. Let your brothers transform you as you transform them; rubbing off on each other.
The epitome of Bro happiness coming when you see yourself in them.

4) Be Happy, Bro!

Bring light to the world by your presence. Stay light and airy and thoughtless. People need to see you as a bro. Be a bro to all. Let your joy and good spirit infect everyone else. Be the guy everyone knows and loves. The one everyone invites. A dumb smile on your face and a strong helping hand to offer to anyone who needs some Bro time.

5) No Homo, Bro!

It’s not a problem to love your bro’s in all different ways, bro. The bond that you have with your Bros is more than mere friendship. It is fraternity. Brotherhood. Complete and total adoration, protection and investment in your squad. Sometimes it can manifest in beautiful bonding. It’s not gay to touch your bro’s muscles and admire his form. It’s not gay to tell him how much he means to you. It’s not gay to dick him down if he’s feeling horny. It’s just the natural bonds of Brotherhood.

6) Party, Bro!

Drinks, Drugs, Good times. Loving the loud music. Rolling up to the club with your bros, ready to turn everything up a notch. The life of the party. Drip on point and stylish as fuck. No inhibitions, No problems. Just living it up in the moment. Double-teaming a babe with your bro. Or a Bro with your bro. Talking shit and smiling through the night with your crew. Ready to do it all again tomorrow night.

For resources to help you embrace your Bro-hood check out these files(123). If you’d like to support the creation of files like the one in this story, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me on Patreon, And go and follow me on Youtube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on DiscordAnd check out my own Site (

How to be a Bro Chapter 4: Focus

Two bro’s standing Side-by-side, back to back, flexing in tandem because their dull minds are so absolutely in sync with one another. It’s all about support. That’s one of the many reasons a Good dumb bro builds those boulder shoulders and a back so wide it blocks the sun, accidentally getting in the way of his other bro’s tanning routine.

It’s all about offering support to his bro, and ultimately he receives the same from his bro, who receives the same from his bro, who receives the same from his bro.
On and on. Its bro shoulders all the way down, supporting the world like Atlas. Now he was a real bro, Bro

Bro’s need those broad shoulders to hold up their bud after a killer night on the town, stumbling over himself. So drunk off his ass that he can’t stand up straight so he leans on his Bro for support, whispering sweet fraternal nothings that he’ll forget in the morning. “I fuggin’ luv u bro. Ur the fuckin’ besst u know dat??” While he secretly gropes and cops a feel of that bulging, shirt-straining muscle.

They need that broad tapered back to boost their bro and protect him. Of course he can protect himself, he’s a bro too. But there’s nothing quite like stepping in for your Bro. Whether its on the field, tackling the opposing team’s quarterback to the ground. Or its in a random parking lot, stepping between your bro and some cunt who’s trying to pick a fight. Interposing yourself between your bro. Acting as his rock, his wall, his shield. And of course being such a wide motherfucker that that tiny fuckwit automatically steps down.
And you get that pang of recognition,
 “Thanks bro. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”, while your bro secretly feels like a damsel in a fairy tale and…kinda likes it?

Bro’s need to be that shoulder to cry on, both figuratively and literally. Working up a sense of zen in the gym so that when their bud’s darkest hours come, they can be a shining light. Recognizing that vulnerability and emotion aren’t a problem. In fact it’s a point of pride to be the one who your bro’s confide in, and knowing you can also do the same as your bro sits on your couch, bawling his eyes out blubbering “Bro, Why would she do this to me? I can’t believe it…At least I’ll always have you..” They never learn for too long, but they always get back to that eternal mantra “Bros before Hoes” in the end.

Bro’s need the firm delts, and awesome traps for support, so that while their Bud is blasting them from the back, they’ve got something to hold on to. Something for their strong hands to wrap around and embrace, picking up the pace and letting your joyous moans mingle in chorus.
“Oh bro!”“Fuck yeah Bro!”“Harder Bro!”“Damn Bro, You’re better than any chick I’ve ever fucked. I can’t believe this is what I’ve been missing!”

For resources to help you embrace your Bro-hood check out these files(123). If you’d like to support the creation of files like the one in this story, or you’d like access to exclusive files and files earlier than the rest of the world, then please, Support me onPatreon, And go and follow me onYoutube for more files. Also be sure to Join me and my community on Discord.
And check out my own Site (

Dumbing Down Dread

Art by Acro @sodalite96/ Used with their permission. Go check them out!)

Recently and for basically my whole time producing Jock/Jock Adjacent Hypno content I’ve gotten a variation on the same question.

“Is it possible to listen to your files without losing my I.Q. Points?”

I’ve gotten it on discord, Tumblr Asks and DMs, Patreon messages, the works.
I’ve always said this, but I.Q. is perhaps one of the worst ways that we’ve developed to measure intellect. Highly rigid and dogmatic, Deeply contextual to certain societies, developed as tools of eugenicist movements, and overall being relatively limited and restrictive to the type of intelligence that gets valued. (Here are some links and citations for further reading because one doesn’t just make claims 1, 2, 3).

But it’s good as short-hand and it is kind of alluring to imagine something as complicated as intelligence being twisted and manipulated like a knob on a console; raising and lowering a number.

Lots of really good tf stories have that hook. I’m even guilty of using the term once or twice in my files or my captions(though always with a disclaimer attached)

But overall I get the question that’s really being asked. You’re basically worried that by using my files you’re suddenly going to be zonked into a drooling incapable Moron and that scares you for some reason.

Well, first to assuage the fears of both you and many others. If you don’t want it to happen (either consciously or unconsciously) then you probably have nothing to worry about. Any tist or file-creator worth their spirals will always tell you that your brain is fully capable of refusing most suggestions, and at any point you can say “No” or revoke consent.

That’s the simple answer to your question.

However I’d like to use this as an opportunity to ask those of you with this similar concern to consider some alternate perspectives.

I’ve worked with a fair few people who would be considered very intelligent by the standards of most intellectual purists. College educated, Diplomas. Some with doctorates. Lawyers, actors, presenters, writers, More than one Biomed student.

All of whom have enjoyed Dumbing in one form or another. I’ve even partook of some of my own work like the Painted Himbo file and Enjoyed that Pink haze of ditzy dumbness myself. It is incredibly enjoyable. Freeing. Reducing your thoughts and vocabulary. Allowing that Uninhibited Fratty-Ditzy-Drooly Dumbness to overwhelm you. 

One will note that the people I am talking about, myself included are not drooling invalids at this point in time.

That is because most people who go for dumbing do it as a part of a singular experience. A passing high like the buzz of a drink or a Smoke. They enjoy it and then they return to their baseline of competence, occasionally bringing along some of the more fun aspects of reduced capacity with enough Listens. Because as anyone who has done any form of hypnotic programming will tell you, in order to see long-term effects you’ve gotta listen consistently and put in the work yourself . Otherwise you’re not gonna see any changes.

The majority of people will probably experience Dumbing Hypnosis in this fleeting, fun, experiential way, so there is nothing to be worried about for the majority of you. Go listen. Enjoy. Zonk to your hearts desire.
However there is another perspective. Another question to ask.

Is it really that bad to be dumb?

Societal expectations and typical modern value systems prize certain forms of intellect because they are associated with productivity. In short, Smart people make slightly less smart but more ruthless people more money.

If you want to live within this system that’s more than ok. It’s not bad to be smart.

But in my experience many of the subjects with whom I’ve worked who have been tempted by and decided for themselves to plunge deep into the realms of permanent dumbing have almost invariably come back out of it happier, healthier, and without an ounce of regret.

Men who had achieved the societal expectation of intellect but were never fulfilled by it. In fact were ravaged by the anxiety and dissatisfaction which it so often brings.
Who relished the chance to finally give up that life and reduce their cares along with their Vocabulary. Restrict their anxiety in addition to their interests. To indulge in blissful ignorance and uninhibited joy. But even these people didn’t completely ruin their lives.

Can it truly said to be ruination if at the end of the day you have a smile on your face and a newfound appreciation for life?
Its just a pivot. A change.
Being smart is right for some people in the same way university might be right for some people.
But it’s not right for everyone.

So perhaps one should question if its ever been right for you, or if you might instead prefer to be like one of those Happy few who gave up the chains of expectation and lived for themselves for once.

Perhaps one should question how much your “High I.Q.” has really contributed to your overall happiness.

Perhaps you should give a few of my dumbing files a listen, cause surely Smart guys like you will be able to appreciate some of the arguments now that you know you have nothing to worry about.

A Crash Course In Trance: Hypnotists

(Art by Acro @sodalite96/ Used with their permission. Go check them out!)

This is a continuation of this post which discusses trancing to files.

Trancing with a Hypnotist, whether online or in real life is often a whole additional skill set to trancing with files. This isn’t due to one’s inherent superiority over the other, far from it in fact. It mostly has to do with the fact that working with a tist directly adds the unpredictable variable of another human being. One with their own desires, wants and techniques. Files provide a consistent, high quality product that the subject can interact with as they please. They are reliable and excellent for programming. When trancing to a file if a subject has a poor experience they can simply chalk it up to not liking the creator’s style or simply being “unable” to trance to files (an excuse that I hear and then usually prove wrong with a couple links to my youtube channel). But the moment a tist is introduced into the mix; the supposed pinnacle of trance experiences, and a subject still finds themselves unable to go under, it usually results in two equally negative thoughts that can colour their understanding of trance forever.
Either 1) Something is wrong with this hypnotist.
Or 2) Something is wrong with me.

The first leads to resentment and blame, while the latter leads to doubt and anxiety. Both of which can block future trance experiences.

So here I shall provide a small set of tips to making the most out of your time with a tist and to hopefully impart some best practices for approaching direct hypnosis.


A hypnotic relationship is exactly that, a relationship. The best trance you can have with a tist comes after you’ve established a bond with them. Get to know them, even just a little bit. In doing so you develop one of the most important things that you need in trance; trust. Far too many subjects approach tists with an unfortunate transactional nature that prevents proper bonds from being formed within the hypnosis community. Failing to see tists as people and individuals. Never taking the time to know them. I’ve lost count of the amount of subjects who have barged into my inbox with some variation on “Are you a hypnotist?? Trance me.” Now I’m sure that there are some Hypnotists who enjoy that kind of thing. No strings, very shallow…i’ve never met any but statistically speaking there must be. But the majority deep down probably aren’t fans. Imagine if a random person on the street just randomly approached you with an offer of sex. Under other circumstances you might be tempted, but you don’t know that person so you’re repelled instantly.
However everyone likes getting to know people, coming to understand them. I’m not kidding when I say that the only subjects I ever work with personally are those that I’ve grown to be genuine good friends with. In addition to building trust and just generally being a good and decent thing to do, establishing that relationship and getting to know your hypnotists can allow them to do a much better job at trancing you. Through bonding they learn about you, your personality, your psychology and can therefore more effectively make changes to it through trance. But it’s not only good for a tist. The supply and Demand ratio of Subs to tists is so skewed that a lot of times sub-standard and abusive tists can get away with anything simply because the demand for tists is high enough. By getting to know and vet your hypnotists beforehand you have a better chance of weeding out those tists who don’t match your standards. And in doing so you make the community a safer place by slowly pushing out those who don’t hold themselves to high ethical standards. So the next time you want to work with a hypnotist, consider asking them about themselves first, trying to forge those bonds before begging for trance.


Communication is Key. I will never stop stressing this fact. Clear, regular communication between you and your tist is important at all steps of the process. At the outset, especially with a newly fostered hypno relationship, you need to be specific with the things you like, the things you don’t. Your expectations and limitations for trance and your own emotional state. And no, saying you “Like brainwashing” and that you want to “go deep” isn’t enough. A lot of tists need direction, at least a little bit to get started and give you a good experience. Furthermore, a lot of tists really enjoy feedback in trance. Little moans and twitches, repeating back what they say to them to make sure they know you haven’t fallen asleep. If there is one place where you don’t have to be restrained or afraid to speak up, it’s in trance. So put on a little show, be verbal or in the case of text hypno simply go along with the fantasy. You’d be surprised how effective playing along can be at getting you deeper than you’ve ever gone before.

And finally, communicate once trance has ended. Give feedback. Praise your tist and stroke their ego if it was a good experience, or give constructive criticism about what you didn’t enjoy if that was the case(some tists do have difficulty taking this however). Don’t be shy to share your feelings with your tist and most certainly don’t lie, but at the same time bear in mind that you are talking to another human being, and be kind and gentle. By communicating clearly and consistently you give your tist more to work with, and you increase the likelihood of having a 2nd session. However, trying to put your experience into words can be difficult for some people, but ultimately I believe it’s beneficial and it helps you understand how trance works for you to talk through it. Remember, don’t force anything and take your time. It’ll come to you eventually. Once again. Communication is Key. Never forget that.


Working directly with another person can be so daunting with anxieties streaming in from so many sources. “What if I’m a bad subject?” “What if the tist is abusive?” “What if they want to see me and I’m not comfortable with my body?” What if, what if, what if. These concerns and anxieties can infect your mind and prevent you from having an enjoyable trance, which is a shame for something that is at its root meant to be a pleasurable, therapeutic experience. There are a number of reasons why this anxiety and concern is so prevalent about trance but I will posit one that I think isn’t discussed often enough. In the hypnosis community there is an automatic perceived power dynamic between the subject and the hypnotist. It’s presumed that the tist is dominant and holds all the power and that the subject is merely a passive, submissive pawn that the experience “happens to” which can make a subject feel uncomfortable if they didn’t sign up for that kind of power imbalance. But while this is certainly a relationship type that does exist in the community (however it isn’t one I’m a massive fan of, personally), I discourage subjects and tists alike from assuming it as the default. The subject is as much an active participant in trance as the hypnotist and they hold power as well. This is sometimes skewed by that Supply/Demand imbalance I talked about earlier. When there are a hundred subjects for every tist one inherently gains more leverage than the other. But at the core of it, Trance is a partnership and if you bear in mind the Bond, Trust and communication I discussed previously then your anxiety over that power dynamic will be reduced, I guarantee it.


In my experience, while there are certainly a lot of sub-par and abusive hypnotists out there, a subject’s true worst enemy is usually themselves. Self-sabotage is the number one reason hypnosis fails to work, both for files and with tists. Trance and Hypnosis are a purely mental experience. It’s all in your head. That doesn’t mean it’s somehow less real, our entire reality is constructed in our head from sense impressions. Everything exists in your mentality. But it does mean that Hypnosis and your experience of it is deeply impacted by your mindset. And unfortunately I cannot count how many subjects have come to me with awful, awful mindsets.

The most common refrain I’ve heard is this excuse that “I’m just a bad subject” “Oh Trance doesn’t work on me” “Files don’t work for me” And it hurts me every time because Yeah, of course it doesn’t with a mindset like that. Maintaining and holding on to those delusions only ever results in a self fulfilling prophecy. Even if you want it, if you either tell yourself consciously or subconsciously that you’ll never get it then you’ve lost the fight before it even started.

These thoughts and barriers usually form as a protective mechanism; an excuse. Subjects will have a few suboptimal sessions, or they don’t know what trance feels like and therefore can’t gauge whether they have gone under or not. And instead of analyzing the things that might have occurred to prevent trance, they jump to a form of fatalism. They craft the excuse that it is an innate quality of themselves that they can’t trance, and in doing so they make it true. You can’t trance because you think you can’t trance.

The first and most important step before approaching hypnosis is to form an open, free, and unresisting mindset. To throw away those preconceptions of inability and simply let it happen to you.

I hope this little tirade has given folks some insight on how to trance more effectively with other people. A lot of it might seem obvious to some, but sometimes the best answers are the simplest ones.

A Crash Course in Trance: Files

(Art by Acro @sodalite96/ Used with their permission. Go check them out!)

Oftentimes new subjects come to me and they don’t know the first thing about trance. None of its mechanics or methods, and so it can be very daunting for them; to step into such a wide abyss without knowing what to expect and what is expected of you. Many of them, even experienced subjects, expect that 100% of the work is and should be done by the Hypnotist. In truth both parties, the hypnotist and the subject, must be willing and able. But while it’s more readily apparent what must be done in order for a tist to be successful in their endeavors, many subjects/potential subjects can have a hard time understanding what it takes to get the most out of their trance, both from pre-recorded files, and from live sessions with a hypnotist. So, I’m here to give you what is in my opinion, the essential Crash Course to Trance, starting first with trancing to files.


Find yourself somewhere nice, darkened and quiet, where you know you won’t be disturbed. This is already a hard task for a lot of subjects, living with other people always increases the chance that one might barge in on you, eyes glazed over, drooling all over yourself. Or that someone’s reckless pounding from above might shake the abyss so thoroughly that it takes you out of trance. But here is the thing I will stress. While physical quiet is a good idea as it allows you to focus on the words and suggestions streaming into your head, What matters so much more is internal peace and quiet. A location where you can feel at ease and safe and secure in yourself. A locked bedroom surrounded by mountains of pillows. Your favorite plush armchair that threatens to swallow you almost as well as the Abyss of Trance. The peaceful morning route on the train whose path you know so well that you can be lulled into trance just by the rumbling vibrations of the tracks beneath your seat. Wherever you can be comfortable.

The ideal location for trance I’m sure does exist in some government facility or therapists office somewhere, where you can be dropped into an isolation tank and be brainwashed clean. But most of us will never encounter that. So what matters then is the ideal mindset for trance, which is one of peace, safety, trust and assurance.


This is one of the reasons so many love using files. Because its barrier to entry is so low. All you really need is something to play the file on and a place to listen. This is in contrast to working directly with a tist where you need, at the very least, A good internet connection, maybe a camera, Another person who you trust and who might be wildly inconsistent. Or working in person which probably will require a whole location and time-table to get set up. No, Files are relatively simple and they are no better or worse than live sessions for certain purposes. However, like all simple things, they can be elevated by improving its ingredients. A box cake from the store and a home-made chiffon are functionally the same, but their difference comes in the ingredients and technique.

So for trance I recommend spoiling yourself a little, at the very least buy yourself some decent quality over-ear headphones. Many file-makers (myself included) add frequencies and binaural beats underneath the main track. These serve the purpose of training your own brain’s waveforms to a certain frequency, thus more easily taking you into trance. But they can only be detected and properly registered with some good headphones. Additionally, The encapsulation of headphones provides a more immersive experience, isolating you and transporting you through the trance experience like you are in your own little world. Trust me. $600 studio headphones aren’t needed, But a good quality wired $40 headset goes a long way and is multi-purpose. A decent quality chair or mattress also will serve you well, not just in trance but in life.


Trance is a very tricky state that, like all things, requires practice and patience to master. Staying in trance is like a tightrope walk, teetering gently between the realm of conscious awareness, and the oblivion of total unconscious and sleep. It is the liminal space between the two, that subconscious space that makes trance and hypnosis possible. It is the state where your mind is most open to total suggestion and where magical things can happen. So how does one walk the line between these two modes of being? The answer is focus. Or rather Half-focus. Focusing without focusing. With descriptions like that it can sound like some kind of Zen riddle, but that is often what it feels like sometimes. Now this is not a laser focus like you would expect in a classroom setting, no one is being tested here. It’s a more gentle and subtle focus. Like focusing on the world around you. Focusing on the wind on your face, the rise and fall of your lungs; On the way your body just goes loose and slumps over. The trick is to go in and to follow along, to listen and pay attention and try to comply with the suggestions given at first. Suspend your disbelief and engage with it unironically and without pretense. If you notice yourself drifting, don’t try to force it back to focus. Simply let it explore where it wants and to carry on organically. Nothing in trance needs to be forced. Simply focused on and allowed to happen.

Many subs oscillate in trance, their minds ebbing and flowing like a Sine wave; wavering in and out of trance, one minute aware, the next minute completely blank and asleep, and then for a brief moment in bliss. But it averages out to trance at the end of it. One must also not fear dropping out of trance. Focusing too much on that eventuality makes it a self fulfilling prophecy. Just Focus-not-focus-half-focus and enjoy yourself.


So many subjects look at files and their mind begins to spin with endless questions and anxieties. Worries about “losing themselves” or “changing too much” or “doing things they don’t want to do.” It’s a valid set of concerns for a new subject, uninitiated in the true mechanics of trance and only knowing of hypnosis what is shown in the media. Evil villains and monsters brainwashing our heroes to do horribly enticing and arousing things. So ingrained is this idea that it even crossed over into the allure of hypnosis files. And while I won’t say it’s impossible for that to happen, I have 3 comments on it to ease your mind. First, with Files, one of the best things about it is that the subject gets to control practically every single aspect of the experience. When you do it, how many times you listen, and whether you listen at all to begin with. While all files should be clearly labelled with Content and trigger warnings and given an explicit summary of what they are and what they do, we know that is not the case. The amount of “Mystery files” I’ve seen on various forums irks me to no end. But it appeals to some people. However, for those who are not particularly fond of surprises you have the absolute power to review the file before you trance to it. You can give it a fully aware walk through, or just jump through segments to look for anything that doesn’t suit your taste.

Once you’ve done that however you might still be conflicted about some content. Not openly averse to it, but unsure. Dumbing down and IQ reduction are probably number one on this list. People are so terrified of somehow losing everything when they learn to stop overthinking things. For these concerns my second point suggests Introspection. Ask yourself “Why do I/Don’t I want this?” “Is it really as bad as my anxiety is making it out to be?” Because if you like something a lot, and really want it, then why should you deny yourself it out of fear? Even aside from dumbing, many desires are tinged with this air of guilt or fear. Terrified to acknowledge or grab hold of what we truly want and own up to it. In my estimation Hypnosis can be one of the best ways of dabbling with those desires because in trance there is no shame or judgement.

Finally, my 3rd point says you don’t have to worry. If you really don’t like a suggestion you can always leave it behind. Your mind has built in fail-safes to reject suggestions you haven’t agreed to. A file cannot make you do something unless you want it, at least subconsciously. The old cliche goes “All Hypnosis is Self-Hypnosis” and what that fundamentally means is that as a subject you are the one who decides what happens. You consent and go along with things and allow them to happen to you. It is your desire, your focus, your arousal and your own subconscious that allows hypnosis to work. Subjects have more power than they know.